One-time training probably won’t change anything. Business development is a process.

Therefore, we believe that the aim of the training is to initiate a development process that will result not only in good habits, but also in company processes that will allow us to constantly become better.

The main business goals of the training



Your brand on the world's largest business platform


Personal brand strategy and communication


Employees are company ambassadors
in contact with customers

Are you looking for training tailored to your company or team?

Leave your e-mail address and phone number.

The Silna Marka team will contact you within 1 business day with further details.

The results that clients most often talk about when choosing this form of cooperation

We design each training for the company’s individual situation. Thanks to the process tested on dozens of clients, each stage is completed quickly, and the result is training tailored to the clients’ goals and expectations.

STAGES - how do we design training?


Researching needs and defining the goals and scope of training

Preparing the offer and determining the thematic scope
Survey among participants
Implementation of the training taking into account the expectations of the participants
Additional 1-hour consultation up to 30 days from the training date
Assessment and report after training and a proposal for scaling the results.



Wybrane firmy, z którymi pracowaliśmy lub nadal pracujemy.

Dlaczego wybrane? Z częścią naszych klientów mamy podpisaną umowę o poufności współpracy. Szanujemy to i respektujemy.


Organized and accessible knowledge supported by experience is Angelika's calling card. A clear workshop structure with space for interaction and exchange of ideas for your own personal brand helps you take the first steps in social selling. The presented simple profile management tools encourage you to explore them in further advanced training. Small changes in creating your own brand, thanks to Angelika, make a big difference!
Krzysztof Zieliński
Partner Business Manager at Gemius

Opinia wideo Santander

The training will be useful for everyone, both more and less experienced LinkedIn users. Today, everyone needs to be aware of how many possibilities this platform offers, because many people still associate LinkedIn only with recruitment, PR activities and employer branding. The training was conducted dynamically and with humor - I recommend it.
Radosław Milczarz
Senior Manager, Corporate Banking Millennium Bank
I can recommend Angelika's training to anyone who is looking for professional support in the LinkedIn area. At Xerox Polska, we wanted to train employees who were to participate in the Employee Advocacy program. We were all delighted with the amount of substantive knowledge, practical advice and good practices that Angelika gave us during the training. I still use this knowledge today!
Edyta Ciepieńka
Komunikacja i PR, Employer Branding, Content Management


Wybrane firmy, z którymi pracowaliśmy lub nadal pracujemy.

Dlaczego wybrane? Z częścią naszych klientów mamy podpisaną umowę o poufności współpracy. Szanujemy to i respektujemy.


Selected companies with which we have worked or still work.

Why selected? We have signed a confidentiality agreement with some of our clients. We honor and respect that.

TRAINING - FAQ - frequently asked questions

Silna Marka services were created to guide people into action, not to fill them with knowledge.

We believe that knowledge alone does not change anything. Only action using knowledge gives a chance for change.

Development processes are designed to facilitate change and create new, good habits.

#SilniWPraktyce is not only our hashtag, but our motto and distinguishing feature .

At a time when most training is the repetition of the same, often untested slogans, what distinguishes us is the fact that we operate on a process that we constantly improve.

Our processes are unique because no two are the same. Just like no two customers are the same. Everyone is unique. We know this and we act in accordance with this knowledge.

Therefore, each development process has six unique stages.

If you are not sure which training topics will be the best. Take advantage of a free consultation. You will find the button in the upper right corner of the page.

Choose a convenient date or write us an e-mail at so that we can clearly define the business results that are to be the result of the training.

Good training is not a piece of cake.

If you care about what you eat, you know that this is not the best way. Lots of fat and carbohydrates. So first it’s nice and sweet, then after a while it becomes worthless and lethargic.

Effective development processes must bring specific value to the company.

That’s why we design and check them in six stages:

1. Research on needs and defining the goals and scope of the development process.

2. Preparing an offer and determining the scope of activities.

3. Survey among process participants.

4. Implementation of the process taking into account the expectations of participants.

5. Evaluation and report after the training process.

6. Further support and a proposal to scale the results.

Contact form

Leave your e-mail address and phone number.

The Silna Marka team will contact you within 1 business day with further details.